
Postnatal Care Tips for Mothers and New Born

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Postnatal Care Tips for Mothers and New Born

While motherhood is an amazing journey and the joys of parenthood is multi-fold, the early care and nurturing during postpartum can make a whole lot of difference to the wellbeing of a new mother and the newly born infant. A woman is not only responsible for carrying the baby miraculously for 9 months but inherently also responsible for the health and wellbeing of her new born, the worry for which never ends. And because the maternal instincts kick in instantly with the birth of her new born, the mother should also consciously make efforts to take care of her own wellbeing postpartum.

It is said that the initial postpartum phase up to 8 weeks is very critical for both mother and child and they need 24*7 postnatal care (PNC). This can be done via counseling, prevention, elimination, early identification and treatment of health issues, breastfeeding, lactation consultation, infant vaccination, constant hand-holding by professionals regarding health and nutrition of both mother and child, etc. In the absence of family support, midwives and other skilled neonatal professionals can also guide the new mother in this new journey which is important both for her physical and mental wellbeing.

These are the most basic postnatal care that one can follow during this time:

Get plenty of rest– getting a proper sleep is so underrated but is so important for the healing and reviving of your body after it goes through the grueling process of childbirth. To help the body recuperate fast, plenty of rest and sleep is a must and that means letting go of all your other responsibilities by handing them over to someone else temporarily and just taking care of you and your baby’s needs. The body recovers during the rest state and restores itself back to its prenatal stage.

Prioritize healthy diet and nutrition- body’s basic fuel is food and during the postnatal reparative stage, it is recommended that the body consumes healthy and nutritious diet along with plenty of water to restore all the strength and lost fluids in the body. The healthy food also helps in aiding lactation and also nurturing the infant with nutrition needed for ample growth and sustenance during the early infancy days. Working with common sense and avoiding junk and highly fatty foods during this time will also help immensely in the healing journey.

Maintain good hygiene– a new mother and baby are prone to infections since their bodies have gone through the grueling process of childbirth and therefore, it is imperative to allow them that space and not to have excessive visitors around them. In some cultures, a new born baby and the mother are kept confined for a period of a month or 40 days to allow them a sanitary environment with least exposure to viruses and bacteria. Also, constantly washing of hands with soap or wiping them with disinfectant wipes will help keep germs at bay. Washing the nipples and the area around it is also important along with application of cream to prevent cracking and bleeding of the nipples.

Be Active– a mother is sent back home after just a day of natural birth and just 2-3 days after a caesarian birth. This is indicative of how being active and doing light movement from the early days in postnatal can help heal the body and restore its strength and stamina. After due consultation with physician (since every pregnancy and childbirth is different), one can start some light exercise like walking or pranayama (breath work) to help heal the body. Even pelvic floor exercises like Kegels are helpful in restoring the functionality and strength of your vaginal muscles. Also, the idea of being active is for your mental and physical wellbeing, and not to obsess over losing the baby weight. The body can lose the baby weight in its own good time, once you allow yourself the space to recover and rest from your delivery.

Be on the lookout for depressive bouts– postpartum depression is a real thing in a woman since she goes through so many hormonal changes during childbirth. The emotional and physical toll a childbirth takes on the body is immense and that’s why one should keep an eye out for any untoward symptom like lack of sleep, detachment from the baby, loss of appetite, unwillingness to feed the baby, etc. These bouts can vary in degree and hence a timely professional help is very much recommended.

Call a doctor/ nurse/ physician when in doubt or need– the postnatal phase is a fragile phase for both mother and child, so never hesitate to consult a physician even during smallest of doubts or if you contract fever, discomfort or any other small ailment. Let your doctor/ skilled professional guide you through your healing journey and through the early breastfeeding days, care post c-section and help during your early bleeding days.

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