
Why are annual health checkups important?

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Why are annual health checkups important?

If anything has ever shed distinct light on the importance of health, it has been these past couple of years of pandemic; and the days filled collectively with fear and the uncertainty of life as we live it. The one thing we took most granted in our lives is what became prime focus for us all and high time we did.

Medically, it has been observed that most of the working group of people between the age group of 30 to 60 years are at maximum risk for lifestyle diseases. They tend to suffer from unhealthy lifestyles, lack of sleep, stress, which then eventually leads to diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, and other chronic ailments. The old adage of “prevention is better than cure” has never held as much weight as it does now, and that’s why it is imperative that we get periodic body check-up done for the maintenance and longevity of our good health.

Regular health check-up helps us to

Keep a tab on health issues and prevent them from flaring up– doing a routine check-up with blood test and other simple diagnostic tests can really help keep up with any impending increase in health issues like blood sugar or cholesterol (for example) in the near future. This can in turn help us change our unhealthy lifestyle or amp up on preventative medications to take control over our health. Keeping a tab on our health can ensure a healthier lifestyle which in turn will keep us mentally at peace in the long run.

Prevent diseases from aggravating further– diseases like cholesterol and cancer have no fixed timelines within which they get severe and hard to treat. Hence, it bodes well to keep a tab on impending diseases by way of regular check-ups, where doctors can help diagnose and treat the said disease in a timely manner before it poses high risk to your health.

Reduces the risk of treatment complications– a regular health check-up can help prepare for any contingencies during the treatment for the disease we are encumbered with. If we are aware of a certain health condition in a timely fashion, we can deal with the complexity and the risk involved in a prepared manner compared to diagnosis at a later stage, which may come as a surprise and shock for us, and leave us unprepared to handle it. A regular check-up can also help us to recover from the ongoing health concern much easily both mentally and physically.

Lower Cost of Health Care– preventative measures are always cost-effective in the long run. If we take care of our diet, exercise regularly and maintain healthy lifestyle, the medical cost to our body both financially and health-wise will be low in the long run. Regular check-ups will also ensure that we don’t undergo any unnecessary and expensive surgeries and/or lead our health into other chronic medical conditions resulting in expensive medical aid.

Growth in Life Span– A lot of physical ailments also results from a lot of mental ill-health. Our overall wellbeing is very much determined by the holistic physical and mental wellbeing. By doing preventative care of our health, with the help of regular check-ups we are not only assured of the measurement of our good health, but also what actions we can take to continue it for the long run. The routine diagnostics and wellness check-ups along with the doctor’s advice and prescriptions helps us to prevent life threatening diseases while resulting in increased life span. These diagnostic tests are specific to people with varying age, gender, family history and prevailing medical conditions. A healthy body will house a healthy mind as well, resulting in a happier and a longer life. After all, we have but one life to live, so we may as well make the most of it.

With Aster@Home by your side, regular health check-ups will now be easily available at your disposal whether it be your home, office or a hotel. With skilled and certified healthcare professionals and technicians, Aster leads with trust and commitments while delivering your health reports in a timely fashion. You can book an in-home appointment either by texting or calling at our toll free number #800 700 600 and choose the date and convenience of your time.

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